ProPublica reporters are dedicated to investigating government agencies and federal policy. Much of our reporting is fueled by the people who share their experiences, advice and inside knowledge with us.
We are looking for both specific tips and broader expertise. If you’re a current or former government employee, please sign up to be a source for our reporters. We may contact you with questions related to your area of experience.
Your guidance will help us tell important stories. We investigated how a campaign to slash the Internal Revenue Service’s budget led to gains for tax cheats, the rich and big corporations. We found that thousands of patients had been put at risk by heart devices the Food and Drug Administration knew could be dangerous. And when we reported on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s failure to enforce safety standards for children’s car seats, it led to impact in Congress and 18 states.
These are some of the agencies and offices that ProPublica reporters are particularly focused on right now. If you work for one of them, we’d appreciate your help.

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

DHS (Department of Homeland Security)

SBA (Small Business Administration)

DOL (Department of Labor)

USDA (Department of Agriculture)

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
We take privacy seriously. There is no third-party tracking on this page, but please consider who else may be able to see what you’re doing on your device. We have also set up encrypted tip lines for additional security.
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Volunteer Your Expertise
Reach Out to Us Using Signal
Our general tips number on Signal for this project is +1-202-681-0779. Please be as specific, detailed and clear as you can. We read everything you submit, but our newsroom is still too small to send a personal response to everyone. Any documentation helps.
DownloadIf you would prefer to send your message to a specific reporter, please address to engagement reporter Maryam Jameel or editor Marilyn Thompson. They will help make sure the right tips go to the right people.
Reach Out to Us Using SecureDrop
SecureDrop is the most secure and anonymous way to share information or files with us electronically. Used properly, it shields your identity even from us.
Our SecureDrop servers are under the direct physical control of ProPublica. When you use SecureDrop, we are unable to record your IP address or information about your browser, computer or operating system. All files submitted to our SecureDrop servers are encrypted as they are received; submissions are initially decrypted and viewed on a computer that has never been connected to the internet. Unless you give us your name or other identifying information, we will not know who you are. We make our best attempt to remove identifying information and metadata from submissions.
You will need to download the Tor anonymity software to connect to ProPublica's SecureDrop server. Once you’ve got the Tor Browser running, it can be as easy to use as a normal web browser.
For the highest level of privacy, we further recommend that you use Tor and visit our SecureDrop using a public Wi-Fi network, rather than your home or work internet connection. For extra security, you can also boot your computer from a USB key containing Tails, a secure operating system that does not leave any trace of your Tails activity on the computer you are using; the Tor Browser is included in the Tails operating system.
- Visit and follow the directions to download and install the Tor Browser.
- Launch the Tor Browser and allow it to connect. Then wait for a page that says a connection has been established.
- Copy and paste the following into the Tor Browser address bar:
- Follow the instructions on that website to send us files and messages. When you use the site, you will get a “code name,” which is your login for SecureDrop. You can come back and log in with this code name to submit more information and see if we have sent a response to you.
- The SecureDrop link
is only accessible via Tor, and we do not recommend using any other website or software to visit our SecureDrop system.
If you would prefer to send your message to a specific reporter, please address to engagement reporter Maryam Jameel or editor Marilyn Thompson. They will help make sure the right tips go to the right people.
Reach Out to Us Using Postal Mail
U.S. postal mail without a return address is one of the most secure ways to communicate. Authorities would need a warrant to intercept and open it in transit.
For better security, you can mail your package or envelope from an unfamiliar sidewalk box instead of your company or agency mailroom. A sidewalk box is also more secure than a post office. You can mail us paper materials or digital files on, for example, a thumb drive.
If you would prefer to send your message to a specific reporter, please address to engagement reporter Maryam Jameel or editor Marilyn Thompson. They will help make sure the right tips go to the right people.